[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces” el_class=”home3-slider”][vc_column][rev_slider_vc alias=”slider_ksenonas”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Amanitis Caesarea” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23dc981d” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css_animation=”fadeInDown”][vc_empty_space height=”25px”][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”25px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”8/12″][thim-heading heading_primary=”” heading_secondary=”Amanitis Caesarea”][vc_column_text]Ενοικιαζόμενα δωμάτια , Σκήτη, Αγιόκαμπος, Βελίκα

“Skiti” Agias is a small village of incomparable beauty, drowned in vegetation. Perched on a slope of Mount “Mavrovouni”, in a “Natura” area and just 6km from the beautiful coastline of Larisa, it is an ideal destination for your holidays.

There, at the edge of the village, hidden in the lush vegetation and away from the mass tourism, you will find “Amanitis Ceasarea”.

Comprises of 3 two-storey buildings (IOS, Niriides and Naiads), build with respect to the environment and to the local architecture.

“IOS”, features two deluxe studio-apartments (Dawn and Ianthe), one deluxe family suite, as well as the reception with its cozy hall and the central, stone-built,  fireplace.

At the ground floor, you will find our traditional restaurant, where you can enjoy our homemade breakfast, as well as lunch and dinner with various delicacies.

“Niiredes”, is a stone curved building (the hewn stone is its main material) that features two deluxe studio-apartments,  Astrate and Melite.

Last but not least, the “Naiads” building, features a luxurious family suite (Naiads), as well as, two deluxe studio-apartments (Efkranti and Eumenides)

The heartbreaking beauty of the scenery from our location and the friendly hospitality, are two of the things we are proud for.

We welcome you to a place of wonders, where the sound of silence, the untouched landscape, the warm hospitality with the homemade delicacies and the majestic view, will offer you an unforgettable stay.

Amanitis Caesarea – Αμανίτης του Καίσαρος.

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6 deluxe studio-apartments with fully equipped kitchen

2 deluxe family suites

Vast view to the sea and the mountain, from ALL our rooms.

Traditional tavern with sea view and a large garden with swimming pool, where you can enjoy your breakfast, lunch and dinner, or just have a coffee or drink.

Hall with central fireplace

Swimming pool

Free parking

Free wi-fi

Hall for special events, such as corporate or educational seminars.

Large garden for various social events, such as weddings and birthdays.

A variety of books, for all ages.



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[/vc_column_text][vc_wp_text el_class=”justify_v”]Enjoy authentic dishes and specialties, cooked with fresh local ingredients and due respect to traditional preparation methods. Don’t forget to try our local “bio” wines, as well as our delicious homemade sweets.[/vc_wp_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]



Homemade ice cream, sweets and liqueur.
Hot beverages.
Cold beverages.
Spirits, beers and soft drinks.
Croissants, sandwiches and toasts.

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Special services


 Massage with essential oils
 Relaxation methods and self-healing
 Herbal therapy
